1: What is HTML ?
A: HTML is a Hiper Text Markup Language, it's basicaly means we can structure our web document throw html markups.If we want to make a web page or web documrnt then we have to first start with the html, like this,
2: What is <Head>?
A: Head is a child tag of Html, this comes under the html parent tag, and it contains the the information about the html page, like css file link, js file link, meta info. , screen size info, and other if you are using bootstrap or popper.js or any jquery file link.
3: What is <Body>?
A: Body is also a child tage of html tag but it contain's the data which visible on the wab page only. like, Tables, Images, List's, Drop Down etc..
4: Which basics thing's that we have to remember in general at the time of mking any web page using html ?
A: 1: We should save the file with .html extension
2: At the top of the html file above the html tag we should declare the doctype as <Doctype Html>
it generaly means we are writing html code inside this file.
3: If we are using any external css of js file then we have to link those file's in the head section.
4: If we are using any intenal css of js file then we have to write those file's in the head section.
5: if you are using a javascript/jquery that has any dependancy of your html file then, you should write that code or link thos file's inside the lower body section.
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