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Java Collection Framework Most Important Questions

  Java Collection Framework Most Important Questions   Q:-1   What is Collection Framework ? A:-     Collection framework is a unified architecture or predefined java classes and interfaces that is used for implementing  a group          of objects in java. Q:-2   What is Collection ? A:-     A collection represents a group of objects. And it is root interface of java collection hierarchy. Q:-3   What is Collections ? A:-     Collections is a utility class in java which is present is java.util package for manipulating  data. It provides static method for             searching, sorting and more. Q:-4   What is difference between Array and Collection ? A:-                 Array                                                                            Collection                                                    1>     Array is a object in java which                    Collection is a interface which contains                contains similar data elements.                   method

Basic Core Java Interview Questions | Core java | Java Questions | Core Basics | Interview Questions | Java Questions | Core Java Basics | OOP in java | Object oriented programming | Object oriented programming in java

Basic Core Java Interview Questions | Core java | Java Questions | Core Basics | Interview Questions | Java Questions | Core Java Basics | OOP in java | Object oriented programming | Object oriented programming in java 1. What is OOP? A. OOP extends for Object oriented programming. It is a paradigm of programming which works on object. In object oriented programming everything is in the form of          object. In java except primitives everything in the form of object. For converting primitives to object we can use wrapper classes concept in java. 2. What is Abstraction? A. Abstraction is nothing but hiding the internal implementation and showing some set of services to the end user is called abstraction. 3. How can we use abstraction in java? A. We can use abstraction in java with the help of Interface and Abstract class. 4. What is Abstract class? A. Abstract class is special type of class which is declared by abstract keyword and used to achieve abstraction. It can't be instant

most importent core java interview questions and answers

   Most Important Core  Java Interview Questions &  Answers for fresher and experience both 1. What is java? A. java is object oriented programing language which is invented by james gosling in 1995. first version of java is called oak but after that its name was changed with java. 2. What are the features of java? A. There are some features of java :    (a) Platform independent.   (b) Object Oriented Programming Language.   (c) Strongly-typed Programming Language.   (d) Interpreted and Compiled Language.   (e) Automatic Memory Management. 3.What is mean by  Platform independent ? A. Java is plateform independent because java uses JVM ( java virtual machine for run the      bytecode wich is generated by java compiler ) and JVM is plateform dependent so every     java code after compilation it ganerates bytecode wich is pateform independent and we     can run this bytecode on any plateform e.i. Windows, Unix, Linu